I blog to encourage others.
But it's more than that... I blog because it's an extension of who I am. Like The Matrix, it's the mental projection of my digital self. In real life, when I hang out with some people we discuss world view, faith, belief, marriage, parenting and relationships. With others we talk about e-commerce, the latest technology trends, entrepreneurship and working from home. In all those situations, I want to encourage others because that's who I am and who I want to be.

My friend Kenny tweeted this the other day and I'm still stoked about it. It's one thing to think you're an encouragement, but it means a lot more coming from someone else. But I'm not always an encouragement. In fact, I've hurt many of my friends deeply because of my passion and lack of wisdom in situations where I think a bulldozer is needed but a scalpel or just a listening ear would have been better. I'm still learning and this blog is part of that process.
This blog is part of my why. I want people to live life on purpose. I want to encourage them to find why they were born and go after that purpose with everything they have. If telling my story along the way helps people do that, then I'll keep telling my story to whoever will listen.
In this blog you'll see me writing about things I'd probably talk about if we were having lunch together. As best as I can accomplish it, this blog is a representation of who I am. You may disagree with my ideas but that doesn't mean we can't learn from each other.
Do you have a personal blog? If so, share a link and let us know what your why is. Is your blog an accurate representation of who you are?
As always, I appreciate your other thoughts because your ideas help me grow.
Hey Luke!
Love the post. My site/blog is www.lauramcclellan.com. I'll be working on my "why" and get back to you. :)
Thanks Laura! I'm looking forward to reading more of your blog, but I really liked reading about your Twitter experience because it's so similar to my own. I ignored Twitter for 4 years. :)
I blog because in helping hurting people, I help myself. In addition, my blog posts have made me a better writer and that has helped me in the book I'm writing. (It will be published in March 2013)
Congrats on the book! How do you help people? Can you share a link to your blog?
Thanks for sharing! That's so awesome. The number of people struggling through the issues related to abuse and post traumatic stress is staggering. Thank you for helping people and making a difference in the world.
Glad I found your blog. Looks awesome.
My blog is thedailywalk.net
I blog about life, family, fatherhood, Christianity and everything in between. I think everything I blog about is pretty representative of me.
Thanks for commenting, Adam! I grew up in Southern California doing #1 on your bucket list, btw. :)
I've thought about this.
Very well said, Nate! Thanks so much for sharing your post. You hit some "real" reasons rather well. For me, it's a mixture of both, I think... I want to encourage others (which in turn encourages me). But if no one comments or no one sees my posts I'm certainly disappointed. But am I disappointed because my ego wasn't stroked or because no one was encouraged? That's the question...
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